
Showing posts from 2015

Nikkei Voice Edition - November

Farewell Ms. Gillespie

Young boys picking apples

Two children and a black bear

Nikkei Voice Edition - October

First World War Veterans Picnic

First World War Veterans

Outside in a warm jacket

Happy Halloween

Woman in the big hat

Nikkei Voice Edition - September

Could it be British Columbia or Moose Jaw Saskatchewan?

Franklin Street Buddhist Church and a Tree Stump

Royal Greeters

Young Girls Skipping

Back to School

Little Graduates

Maple Ridge Bussei Young Leaders

Mysterious Young Leaders

Group photograph in front of large windows

Young Leaders in Suits

Ochigo Festival Girls

Japanese Canadian Association Founding Members

Sumo Wrestlers at Sports Day

Nikkei Voice Edition - July/August

Beautiful hats and nice outfits

Nikkei Voice Edition - June

Outdoor Family Portrait

Boy and Girl in Taylor Lake, BC

Men on a Railway Cart in Schreiber, Ontario.

Two Men in a Car

First Bite of the Apples.

Murakami Studio Portrait: Man and Woman.

Two Boys with a Scooter

Berry Picking Circa 1920.

Boys on a Wooden Walkway.

Hauling Lumber in the '40s.

Outdoor Family Portrait

Studio Portrait: Man in Suit, Empress Studios, Vancouver.

Sawmill Workers.

Family at the Beach.

Man in a Car on a Dirt Road Circa 1920.

Man on a Vancouver Railway, 1915

On a Bench by the Water.

On the way to Hear Reverend Shimizu, Easter 1941.

On board the SS General MC Meigs?

Outdoor Portrait: Nurse? and Baby.

Vancouver Outdoor Wedding Portrait Circa 1930?

Woman in front of Slocan Lake? in New Denver, BC.

Women in a Alexander Street Garden Circa 1935.