Asahi Week! Do you know any of these fine gentlemen?

Because we don't.  What we do know:

Title: Going to Seattle

That is it!  What can you tell us?


  1. David and his Cousin Sumie wrote in about the above image. This is what they had to say:

    My cousin in Ontario recognized some of the people in one of your pictures. She is referring to her Uncle Roy Yamamura and her father Kenji Yamamura. She sent the following comments:

    In the photo of the group of Asahi players 'going to Seattle' has my Uncle Roy, (the one in the light coloured suit, 4th person from the right) and my Dad, Kenji aka Ken (2nd from the right in a light coloured sweater standing next to the guy wearing the plus fours at the end.) I heard they were invited to play ball with a Caucasian ball team in Seattle..sorry can't recognize anyone else.


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